
Show HN: Leaflet.pub – a web app for creating and sharing rich documents

105 points - yesterday at 5:55 PM

Hi HN!

For the last 8 months we've been working on leaflet.pub, a web app for making delightful documents. We're trying to strike a balance between Notion and Google Docs — very fast, ultralight and easy to share, but also supporting rich blocks and multiple pages.

Weirdly, none of the many notetaking/document apps that we could find hit this combination, so we made Leaflet. With it you can:

- Instantly create a doc, without an account - Share read and edit links - Sign-in with email to sync your docs to different devices - Add rich blocks, like canvases, subpages, rsvps, and polls

It's really useful for one-off collaborations, running events, or just when you need a blank page without having to buy into a whole organizational system.

We also spent a lot of time making sure Leaflets look good. We've found that there's a pretty blurry boundary between a document and a website, so making something that people can feel proud to publish online was key.

Here's a couple examples!

- Jake's presentation on Slöjd, traditional handcraft pedagogy (https://leaflet.pub/3d28b4a7-3703-4ae5-aaf6-d270ffe1151f) - Laura's documentation of her website redesign (https://leaflet.pub/14aba696-e894-440a-9d06-917641a2bfce)

Some technical details that might be interesting:

- We do sync and all our client-side state via Replicache, which I really love! - Data is modeled as a set of facts about entities, a la Datomic, forming a graph. This has been flexible enough for us to quickly build new features, like canvases and nested pages, without committing to a single document structure. - We use ProseMirror, but not for the entire document. Instead every text block is a separate ProseMirror instance. This lets us keep the document structure in our database and our schema, without having to dive into ProseMirror's every time we want to modify things.

Our (somewhat messy) source is available here: https://github.com/hyperlink-academy/leaflet if you want to dig deeper!

On the horizon:

- Better home and document organizing features — things like search, tagging, collections etc. - We're really excited about ATProto and Bluesky and are working on a set of lexicons and an AppView for document publishing! This will include a lexicon for rich text documents, as well as one publications, and some concept of memberships or subscriptions. - More blocks! Tables, code blocks, etc.

Some things we're particularly proud of:

- Our list handling - Custom theming - Keyboard handling on iOS Safari (and generally works excellently on mobile) - Side-scrolling multi-page interface - Works as a PWA!

Some things that still need work:

- While faster than others, still a lot of work we can do on performance, both speed when working with very large documents and loading docs generally - Drag and drop and selection in general could be a lot nicer - Keyboard navigation across multiple pages - Multiplayer cursors, and generally real-time sync could be sped up greatly leveraging CRDTs (we already use YJS, just could move updates around faster)

You can create a new document just by visiting https://leaflet.pub (or https://leaflet.pub/new if you're signed in) — would love to hear your thoughts and any feedback if you give it a try!

  • jofer

    today at 12:17 AM

    Just as an FYI: "leaflet" is the name of a popular web mapping JS library. https://leafletjs.com/

    May or may not be relevant for you (and is definitely a very different field/product), but if you're releasing client libraries/SDKs of any sort, it might be good to be aware of. There's a large ecosystem of plugin libraries named "leaflet-foo" or "foo-leaflet" etc in addition to the "main" one. If you start releasing any libraries to work with your app (even if they're not JS), you'll likely want to be aware of and work around naming collisions for library names.

    Either way, looks nifty!! I love the approach and we need more people willing to do something like this that competes with google docs / etc, but does so by targeting a specific use case / niche / etc and not by trying to do everything.

      • jpereira

        today at 6:21 AM

        Leaflet looks like an amazing library. We only came across it and the naming collision after we got started, and so far haven't had too much confusion, but definitely a good idea to be aware when we do an SDK. Would love to make the confusion worse by including a map block in leaflet.pub via leafletjs someday though!

        • ks2048

          today at 2:15 AM

          My first thought was maybe the overleaf.com people had branched-out from LaTeX documents.

          • ricardonunez

            today at 2:25 AM

            My first thought was a new product from the LeafLetJS people, cool.

        • gazook89

          today at 2:01 AM

          It'd be great to get code blocks and inline code blocks. Ideally using Markdown syntax. And, if possible to get syntax highlighting, that'd be even better.

          But otherwise, this pretty well lines up with an idea that I had just been mulling over in the last 2 days. Which is pretty eery, but well timed. Realistically I wasn't ever going to do it, so I'm glad I may not have to miss out.

          • nsriv

            yesterday at 10:06 PM

            Still playing around with it but I have to say, I absolutely adore the side-scrolling feature!

              • chrismorgan

                today at 9:37 AM

                Just one thing needs fixing, urgently: stop messing with the scrollbars! You should never take away the scrollbar unless you’re replacing it with some similar affordance (and even that’s iffy).

                This really is a big deal. It leads to people flat-out missing that things are scrollable. Even after I noticed it was doing that in one of the demos, I missed the scrolled content in the other demo for a while.

                This needs two changes: firstly, ditch the .no-scrollbar class; secondly, on your .overflow-y-scroll in `overflow-y: scroll`, replace the value ‘scroll’ with ‘auto’. (It’s a case of bad naming, compounded by the advent of overlay scrollbars which make it easy to miss that it’s forcing scrollbars, not merely allowing scrollbars, and inconsistent with almost all of the rest of CSS in that a value named ‘auto’ is not the default. ‘scroll’ has only ever had approximately three rare but semi-legitimate use-cases, and at least two of them were rendered obsolete with the advent of the ‘scrollbar-gutter’ property. My personal opinion is that `overflow: scroll` should be officially deprecated, linters should error on it, and browsers should even consider replacing it with `overflow: auto` as an intervention.)

                • jpereira

                  yesterday at 11:04 PM

                  In our last product (hyperlink.academy) we went through a lot of iterations on multipage designs, from carousels, to stacking decks, to a kind of 2-pane view, and eventually settled on the side scrolling view. Really useful for drilling down into things, looking at things side-by-side, etc. Glad to hear you like it!

                  • vladsanchez

                    yesterday at 10:17 PM

                    Reminds me of https://gingkowriter.com/ ... Side scrolling and spatial notetaking was the two reasons to stick with it. Perhaps it's time to switch to Leaflet.

                    Thanks for sharing <3

                • amendegree

                  yesterday at 11:32 PM

                  I see its source available, which implies you’re planning on monetizing somehow, do you mind sharing any insight into what that would look like?

                  I’m always weary of getting involved in a new tool only for the rug pull to happen later.

                    • jpereira

                      today at 12:07 AM

                      Very fair question! Honestly the main reason it's source available rn instead of open source is we haven't decided on a license internally, as opposed to business reasons. As for monetization, the two areas we're exploring are publication, subscriptions to blogs, a la substack, and a "pro" tier, with better tools for managing lots of documents.

                  • croisillon

                    today at 8:22 AM

                    i thought it would be some kind of competitor to canva but not at all, the product is interesting and original, i'll definitely follow it!

                    my only nitpick at this moment: i like to see my scrollbars on a desktop

                    • layer8

                      today at 2:31 AM

                      Some feedback:

                      – When tapping on the leaflet icon in the bottom left, the whole text area is erased (Safari on iPad).

                      – The strikethrough icon is a bit hard to recognize, because the stroke merges with the S line. Some text editors use a different letter for that reason, for example a T, and add a small gap along both sides of the stroke to emphasize the overlay (only on the icon, not on the actual text being edited).

                      – Making the strikethrough line lighter than the text color is a bit unconventional, I’m not sure it helps readability. In the default text size, the line is easy to overlook, also because it is pretty thin (on a hi-DPI display). This is particularly the case on bold and/or italic text.

                      – No dark mode support, it seems.

                        • jpereira

                          today at 2:45 AM

                          Super helpful thanks!

                          The leaflet icon is our little watermark (which can be disabled!). Just updated it to point to https://about.leaflet.pub instead of just leaflet.pub, it was just creating a new doc every time you clicked it.

                          Useful feedback on strikethrough! Will review our implementation of it.

                          As for dark mode, you can theme your documents, and use existing documents as templates for others, so you can get dark mode that way. We could do a lot to make it easier to share and get basic themes though.

                      • breadchris

                        today at 4:43 AM

                        I love this a lot. I have spent a great deal of time considering digital document writing. The hybrid of document and canvas is a must and is commonly found in PKMs now (obsidian, logseq, affine). Collaboration features are also a must imo, but not often found due to it being difficult to implement and scale.

                        Looking forward to tracking this project! Is there a community one could join to get updates?

                        • pjzh

                          today at 7:29 AM

                          This website is fantastic! I love the layout!

                          • holistio

                            today at 5:26 AM

                            Kudos for the multiple ProseMirror instances. I'm building with ProseMirror myself and that's some nice wizardry I haven't thought of.

                            • crossroadsguy

                              today at 3:36 AM

                              Is it supposed to be a permanent published document? I couldn't find a delete/unpublish option. I guess retaining the first randomly generated URL can be used to delete the content, but still there is no clear way to delete, unpublish.

                              • sno6

                                today at 1:37 AM

                                Guys, this is super cool. As someone building a canvas product that also has a (prosemirror) notepad I am super inspired by this. The way you can flick from a canvas on the notepad, back to the notepad, and it doesn't feel like you're locked in to any block because you can still slightly see where you came from.. love it.

                                All the best!

                                • cetra3

                                  yesterday at 11:46 PM

                                  I can't seem to scroll horizontally very easily, like I have to middle click drag in empty space, is there any reason you are hiding scrollbars?

                                  • sabellito

                                    yesterday at 10:49 PM

                                    That's very impressive, super slick. The subpage preview on the parent page works so well I went digging into the source code.

                                      • sprobertson

                                        today at 6:48 AM

                                        That detail and then sub-sub-page preview also hooked me, great work

                                    • rafram

                                      today at 12:09 AM

                                      The appearance (both the text font and the UI chrome icons and colors) really is not to my liking. I see that you can already change the foreground and background color of your document. Any plans to add more options?

                                        • jpereira

                                          today at 12:11 AM

                                          You should be able to change all the colors in the theme options! As for fonts, currently working on adding options there! Probably not going to support custom icons though, but maybe an minimal mode (sans icons, maybe only text) could be interesting?

                                      • jayloofah

                                        yesterday at 10:44 PM

                                        Are the documents encrypted? Is privacy a focus? One major reason that people want to move away from Google Docs and Notion is because of their very invasive privacy policies.

                                          • jpereira

                                            yesterday at 10:59 PM

                                            They are not and while basic privacy and security is definitely a focus (making sure random external people can't get access to your docs and account) end-to-end encryption and privacy is not. There are tools that focus on that that seem great. I think proton mail has a product in that space, and https://docs.fileverse.io/ seems interesting, and there are many more on the more notion side. We wanted to focus our efforts on the interface and experience.

                                            All that being said, I'd love at some point to manage to get everything end-to-end encrypted, but it'll be a big lift!

                                              • layer8

                                                today at 2:42 AM

                                                If I understand correctly, you’re doing the sync client-side, meaning you don’t need the payload in cleartext server-side. In that case, it should be relatively straightforward to generate an encryption/decryption key and put it into the fragment part of the URL, so that the server doesn’t see it, and encrypt all payloads with it.

                                                  • jpereira

                                                    today at 2:49 AM

                                                    There's actually a fair amount going on server side. For one, we have server authoritative sync. There's a lot of mutations that would be tricky to reason about in purely p2p sync, and just applying them to an authoritative source makes that a lot simpler (and is what let's us use Replicache!). Beyond that though we have a bunch of features, custom domains, polls, rsvp blocks, that depend on us being able to control permissions.

                                                    It's definitely possible to do all if this in a p2p context, but it's much harder and increases the complexity a ton. It also makes it harder to be fast, you're naturally increasing the amount that needs to be done client side, and server rendering is out the door. There's a bunch of client-side editors that I think are great, and end-to-end encryption is definitely something I want to work towards, but it's out of scope for us right now.

                                        • pazimzadeh

                                          today at 5:33 AM

                                          I like the icons.

                                          Can you edit a button after adding it?

                                            • jpereira

                                              today at 5:56 AM

                                              Unfortunately not yet, we haven't come up with a pattern we like for that yet, just added buttons quite recently. Right now the move is to delete and re-add, which I know is annoying. Will improve soon!

                                          • kaizenb

                                            today at 6:55 AM

                                            Very nice work!

                                            • gr4vityWall

                                              today at 2:13 AM

                                              I like how it looks :)

                                              Is there a tutorial for how to self-host it?

                                              • zekenie

                                                today at 12:58 AM

                                                I really love the ui exploration!

                                                I wish canvases had edges connecting nodes

                                                • ChrisArchitect

                                                  yesterday at 11:15 PM

                                                  The Make with Leaflet page is good dive into some possibilities https://make.leaflet.pub/

                                                  • pokpokpok

                                                    today at 4:13 AM

                                                    very beautiful and I appreciate how well everything works without logging in

                                                    • simmo9000

                                                      yesterday at 11:19 PM

                                                      Well done. Intuitive and simple like this sort of tool should be.

                                                      • pwillia7

                                                        yesterday at 10:37 PM

                                                        This is really great -- Thanks for making it.

                                                        • ftr1200

                                                          yesterday at 10:41 PM

                                                          This is fantastic. Good job. Makes you realise how much clutter is out there (SaaS nonsense, ads, paywalls, bullshit).

                                                          Loading the landing page was a breathe of fresh air. Thank you.